Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bush Says He May Ignore New War-Funding Law

Air Force Times

Congress said it wants next year's defense budget to include funding for the
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but President Bush has indicated he may ignore
that request.

In a 'signing statement' released when he signed the 2007 Defense Authoriza-
tion Act on Oct. 17, the president listed two dozen provisions in the act that
he indicated he may or may not abide by.

Among the provisions is Section 1008 of the Authorization Act, which requires
the president to submit defense budgets for 2008 and beyond that include
funding for the wars and contain "a detailed justification of the funds requested."

Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich, said he "would not be surprised" if Bush ignores the
budgeting requirements spelled out in Section 1008.

"I'm very dubious he will abide by it. He has ignored it before," the senior
Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee said during an Oct. 18
press conference.

The wars have been paid for through emergency spending bills and "bridge
funds" that amount to about $450 billion so far.

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