Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ted Rall Publishes Mock-Obit of Syndicated Columnist Ann Coulter

Editor and Publisher

Conservative columnist/author Ann Coulter has joked a number of times about the deaths of liberals. Now, liberal cartoonist/columnist Ted Rall has joked about Coulter's death.

In a blog entry, Rall noted that "an unnamed humor magazine" had assigned him to write a fictional Coulter obituary "in the deadpan style of The New York Times." The magazine killed the piece, so Rall posted it today on his blog.

"Coulter died from injuries sustained on September 11, 2006, when the historic replica of a dirigible in which she was riding exploded over the Hudson River near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan," wrote Rall. "Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board believe that Coulter initiated the accident when she fired a pistol as she stormed the airship's flight deck in the mistaken belief that its bearded pilot was an Islamic hijacker."

Full Obit Here

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