Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fox's Buttner: "Thank God and thank President Bush" that there haven't been terror attacks inside the U.S.

"despite the opposition of some very misled people"

During a discussion of how the recent attack on the U.S. Embassy in Syria will affect the stock market, on the September 12 edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto, Fox News senior business correspondent Brenda Buttner asserted that "Wall Street is very insular" and "the market's going to go down" if a terror attack occurs in the United States. Buttner then claimed: "Thank God and thank President Bush it hasn't happened here yet," adding that "they've [terrorists] been trying and President Bush has been trying to stop them despite the opposition of some very misled people." Fox News touts Your World as "the No.1 business news show on cable." Read more

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