Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Executive Director of Democratic Party slams Disney/ABC for "slanderous" fictional TV show about 9/11

This just in from the Democratic National Committee. I have not seen this kind of bitch-slapping coming out of the Democratic Party since the onset of the Bush administration six years ago. This is vicious. Well deserved, to be sure. But absolutely vicious.

Particularly stunning is a paragraph buried in the middle of the open letter that can only be read as a direct threat against Disney/ABC's access to the airwaves:
ABC is trying to use of the airwaves -- airwaves owned by you and me, and loaned to broadcasters as a public trust -- to slander Democrats and sell a slanderous, irresponsible fraud to the American people, and they're shamefully doing it just weeks away from Election Day.
If Disney/ABC doesn't fully appreciate the enemy it is creating in the Democratic party, then heads need to roll at that firm because if I were a shareholder, I'd be considering a suit in a jiffy.


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