Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Vets group defends Murtha's right to speak against war

A veterans group that opposes the war in Iraq is defending U.S. Rep. John Murtha for taking a stand against the war.

VETPAC issued a statement today criticizing a group called Veterans for Truth, which yesterday announced it is planning a rally against the congressman. Mr. Murtha has called for a quick withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

VETPAC noted that Mr. Murtha has been a zealous supporter of military, veterans and defense programs throughout his career.

"To now call for his ouster due to his Iraq redeployment plan is equivalent to telling him to abdicate his responsibility as a congressman and American citizen. The architects of this travesty claim to have served their country so that American liberty would be ensured; we contend that part of that liberty is the freedom to speak out when one disagrees with the government and to provide alternative actions," the group said in a statement.

"This smear tactic is not new -- it was first used successfully in the 2000 presidential campaign against Sen. John McCain and again in the campaign against Sen. Max Cleland during his 2002 re-election bid. In 2004 though, the tactic was perfected against Sen. John Kerry during his presidential bid," the statement continued.


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