Wednesday, August 02, 2006

State Dept LIED To Congress Re Indian Co Supplying Iran W-Missile Tech

WASHINGTON - The State Department intentionally kept Congress in the dark about two Indian firms that sold missile parts to Iran before a major House vote approving a U.S.-India nuclear deal, two Southland lawmakers are charging.

In a letter this week, Reps. Howard Berman, D-Van Nuys, and Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach, accused a top State Department official of providing "highly misleading if not intentionally deceptive" testimony on the topic.


The report was expected to detail entities that had supplied nuclear materials to Iran.

But one day after a July 26 House vote approving U.S. plans to sell nuclear technology to New Delhi, the administration revealed it planned to sanction two Indian companies for dealing with Iran.

"We find it difficult to escape the conclusion that Department officials deliberately withheld this critical report until after the House considered the India nuclear legislation," Berman and Rohrabacher wrote.

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