Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Murtha Says Bush 'Just Doesn't Get It'

JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Aug. 22 /U.S. Newswire/ -- President George W. Bush "just doesn't get it" when it comes to the war in Iraq, according to U.S. Rep. John P. Murtha, (D-Pa.).

"The President's attacks against Democratic Party critics of the war at his news conference Monday fail to recognize the reality of the catastrophe that is occurring daily in Iraq because of the war," he said.

"Last month was the bloodiest month of the war with almost 3,500 Iraqi civilians and dozens of American soldiers being massacred. The President's stubborn decision to stay the course and insist that American troops will not be brought home while he is president ignores the suffering and damage that is going on there.

"Even our own military leaders and leading elected officials in the Republican Party are now calling the conflict a civil war. Sixty percent of the America people say they want an end to this war sooner rather than later. But President Bush seems out of touch with all this.


"I, for one, will not be distracted from my mission to bring about redeployment of American troops in Iraq just because the president lashes out in a partisan way at his critics. We're spending $8 billion a month on this war, our courageous fighting men and women are being killed and maimed and we are wreaking havoc on Iraq. An end must be brought to this now," Murtha said.

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