Wednesday, August 02, 2006

MSNBC's Carlson on O'Reilly's desire to "[l]evel" Fallujah, subsequent claim that "macho solutions are no solutions".......

"This is what happens when cable news does foreign policy"

During his "Beat the Press" segment on the July 31 editions of MSNBC's Tucker and Scarborough Country, MSNBC host Tucker Carlson highlighted Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's comments made on the July 26 broadcast of Westwood One's The Radio Factor, which Media Matters for America documented on July 28. O'Reilly declared that "[t]he reason we're not winning in Iraq" is that the United States is "not tough enough" to take actions like "level[ing] Fallujah ... and blow[ing] the hell out of it," moments before announcing, "You're not gonna win the war being macho." Carlson described O'Reilly's solution in Iraq as follows: "[J]ust level it, turn it into a parking lot, an ice rink, just kill everybody, knock every building down, pulverize it to dust! On the other hand, macho solutions are no solutions." Carlson concluded: "This is what happens when cable news does foreign policy. Bill O'Reilly, he's an intellectual." Read more

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