Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Coalition of conservative groups believe hotel porn may be prosecutable

Raw Story

A coalition of conservative groups that "strongly believe" hotel porn is prosecutable have issued an "urgent appeal" to the Department of Justice to "immediately investigate" two leading in-room adult movie distributors, RAW STORY has found.

"Pornographic movies now seem nearly as pervasive in America's hotel rooms as tiny shampoo bottles, and the lodging industry shows little concern as conservative activists rev up a protest campaign aimed at triggering a federal crackdown," David Cary reports for the Associated Press.

"A coalition of 13 conservative groups — including the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America — took out full-page ads in some editions of USA Today earlier this month urging the Justice Department and FBI to investigate whether some of the pay-per-view movies widely available in hotels violate federal and state obscenity laws," Cary writes.


The Campaign for Corporate Responsibility includes the following conservative groups: Citizens for Community Values, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, American Decency Association, Morality in Media, American Family Association, Exodus International, American Values, AFA of Michigan, CCV of Indiana, Center for Moral Clarity, Center for Reclaiming America, and Coalitions for America.

At its Website, the coalition provides a list of offensive adult videos offered by OnCommand and Lodge Net, including such titles as MILK and COOKIES after School, Hustler’s ALL GIRL Slumber Party, and Bi Bi American Pie.

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