Thursday, August 17, 2006

Another Republican caught on video slurring a minority

Political Wire

In Florida's 13th congressional district race, for the seat being vacated by Rep. Katherine Harris (R-FL), Republican front runner Tramm Hudson (R) is the latest politician to make unforunate comments caught on amateur video. Said Hudson:"I grew up In Alabama, and I understand, and I know this from my experience, but blacks are not the greatest swimmers or may not even know to swim."

Red State has the video:

Hudson later issued a statement:

"I said something stupid. I apologize for it and would apologize in person to anyone hurt by my comments. To those who are understandably offended, you have my deepest apologies and I want you to know that it was out of character for me and those who know me know that to be a fact. This was a thoughtless remark that does not reflect my lifetime commitment to treating everyone fairly and without bias. I apologize to everyone who is offended by this comment."

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