Monday, July 17, 2006

The Top 25 Conservative Idiots, No. 252

July 17, 2006 -- Pig In A Poke Edition

This week's recurring theme is: Idiocy involving food and drink. Conservative blogger Pete Shinn (1) was in an embarrassing situation involving an Onion. George W. Bush (2) was positively giddy about eating a pig. And Pete Coors (6) got caught drinking a little too much of the family product.


  1. George W.Bush is a bulwark of human idiocy, the very embodiment of decay, indulgence, and retrograde civilization, within our Nation. GWB would go from a man barely able to give what was a stammering, stuttering incompetent address for an acceptance speech after the long drawn out nightmare for control of our government beginning in 2000 continuing today.---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And, to those of you who voted for "W" not once, but twice, are responsible for the MESS that our Nation has become. The most lacking mind could see that George W Bush was an incompetent fool, anybody who says that he sleeps well at night knowing that while he was governor here in Texas that NO innocent was executed, all the while Texas' number of executions during Bush's watch soared to a number Never before seen under any Texas Governor. . Think carefully about the closing quote and recall the repetition of certain key prases that the Bush administration used from day one of IRAQ .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it" -Adolf Hitler

  2. The world hates us, one man is responsible, his name is George W Bush.
