Monday, July 31, 2006

Republican Party revoked support for Harris Senate campaign

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.- As Gov. Jeb Bush was trying to get House Speaker Allan Bense into the U.S. Senate race, the Republican Party of Florida was trying to force Katherine Harris out.

Party Chairman Carole Jean Jordan bluntly told Harris in a May 7 letter that she couldn't win and that the party wouldn't support her campaign. The letter was also signed by national committeewoman Sharon Day and national committeeman Paul Senft.

"Katherine, though it causes us much anguish, we have determined that your campaign faces irreparable damage," said the confidential letter, obtained Monday by The Associated Press. "We feel that we have no other choice but to revoke our support."

The letter was written the day before Harris turned in paperwork to get her name on the Republican primary ballot for the seat held by Democrat Bill Nelson. Bense announced later that week that he would not enter the race despite the urging of Bush and others.

The Harris campaign didn't immediately return a phone message seeking comment Monday.

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