Monday, July 17, 2006

Bush Fiddles While Middle East Burns

Bush said Friday through press secretary Tony Snow that he's "not going to make military decisions for Israel."

Well our president better start making decisions because Israel is destroying his presidency and setting the Middle East on fire. Like the Emperor Nero, Bush fiddles while Israeli warmongers destroy America's foreign policy.

It won’t be long before Americans are saying, "Bring back Saddam Hussein. Just get us out of here." That sort of tells you how bad things are becoming, all while our president is blissfully ignorant of recent developments and their devastating impact on Americans.

Vice President Cheney and company used to say "The road to Jerusalem runs through Baghdad." In other words, once we conquered Saddam Hussein, Palestinians would meekly surrender and Israelis would rule the Middle East as our viceroys.

Today, it looks like the road back to Crawford, Texas is going to beckon Bush even earlier than he expected. The only thing American policy has created in the Middle East is conditions for a regional war that will end up undermining and eventually destroying the Israeli state.

Bush claims to be the most "pro-Israel" president in history. In terms of letting Israelis commit atrocities and engage in acts of self-destruction with impunity, he's right......


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