Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Democrats Announce Sweeping New Energy Legislation; The Clean EDGE Act Will Help Make America Energy Independent by 2020

WASHINGTON, May 17 /U.S. Newswire/ -- For five years, Bush Republicans in Washington have let energy companies write America's energy policies. Now, oil men in the White House have given the American people sky-high gas prices and a nation addicted to oil. It is time for a real change, and Senate Democrats today unveiled sweeping new legislation to take charge of America's energy future. The plan, the Clean EDGE Act of 2006, is a comprehensive bill that will put America on the road to energy independence by 2020. The Senators also released a letter to President Bush signed by 43 Senate Democrats calling on the president to join Democrats in support of the five main principles of the Clean EDGE Act to break America's dependence on foreign oil.

The American people know that the policies of the past have given this country the energy crisis of the present. Democrats are committed to jump-starting the energy policies of the future, and the Clean EDGE Act calls for a major investment in the research, development, and production of the alternative energy vehicles, fuels, and technologies that will break our nation's addiction to foreign oil. The bill will launch an aggressive effort to increase the number of alternative fuel vehicles sold; protect consumers from gas price gouging and market manipulation; reduce our dependence on fossil fuels; put the Federal government in the lead in reducing our dependence on foreign oil; and level the playing field for new renewable and energy efficient technologies.

"The Clean EDGE Act is a major step forward on America's path to energy independence," said Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid. "Our nation's energy problem is not new. It has taken years of failed policies to get us to the present crisis. Fortunately, Democrats have a comprehensive solution. With this bill, and under our leadership, America will be energy independent by 2020."

"We have a chance -- maybe our last chance -- to do two things: move seriously toward the goal of energy independence before our economy stalls and to begin to reverse the environmental damage that threatens our way of life," said Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin. "The Democrats believe it is time for leadership -- time for a new direction -- time for an energy policy that serves our economy and saves our environment."

"The United States today is nearly sixty percent dependent on foreign oil. Americans cannot afford that dependency - and Democrats won't accept it," said Senator Maria Cantwell, the lead sponsor of the new bill. "I'd rather invest in American ingenuity than rely on the future goodwill of Middle East regimes. It's time that we simply stop talking about energy independence and start running with a plan that also makes America more secure and more economically competitive. The Democratic Caucus is united today behind our plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by 40 percent in 2020. We are going to make America more secure and more competitive and were getting started today."

Senator Chuck Schumer said, "Last year President Bush and the Republicans in Congress passed an Energy Bill that was nothing more than a grab bag of goodies for energy companies. What it left us with was $3.00 a gallon gasoline and more dependence on foreign oil. Under the GOP's plan, the big oil companies fill their pockets every time Americans fill their gas tanks. Today Democrats are putting forward a plan that offers new consumer protections, new sources of clean energy, and new opportunities for innovation that will succeed where their old ideas have failed."

"America faces many challenges on the energy front, from the challenge of soaring prices to security challenges and environmental challenges. Congress needs to pass a comprehensive and aggressive energy competitiveness package, and that's what we are presenting here today," said Senator Max Baucus. "I am pleased that a version of my proposed ARPA-E -- the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy -- is included. America can innovate its way out of the energy box we are now in, if we're willing to launch this kind of Manhattan Project for energy research."

"Just look at the skyrocketing gas prices. It's clearer than ever that we need an energy policy that puts people ahead of big oil," Senator John Kerry said. "Oil companies don't need more tax breaks -- and they've said so themselves. We need to end these giveaways, so we can invest in an energy plan that ends our dependence on foreign oil and eases the burden on American families. It's time to put our families and our future first."

"America urgently needs to achieve energy independence," Senator Byron Dorgan said. "This legislation provides a solid plan for getting there. I'm convinced that, if it is enacted, generations to come will see it as landmark legislation that opened the door to national energy security."

Said Senator Thomas Carper, "The reason gas prices are high today is because we haven't taken the steps necessary to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and make our country energy independent. We can't afford to let the next 20 years look like the last 20 years. That's why it's imperative that we have to take action today to invest more heavily in renewable fuels, increase our production and development of alternative-fuel vehicles and develop new sources of energy. If we do that, 20 years from now, we'll be celebrating our energy independence instead of higher gas prices."

"If we had remained focused on energy independence since the Arab Oil Embargo, more than 30 years ago, we would not be caught in this crisis today," Senator Salazar added. "Unless we develop and stick to the cause of energy independence, we will continue to place our national security in jeopardy and suffer from current price peaks to a greater and greater extent, more and more frequently, over the next 30 years. It is time for Congress to get real and get to work."

The Senators were joined at the event by John Podesta, President and CEO of the Center for American Progress, which also announced its own energy independence campaign. The nonpartisan institute released a new video narrated by Robert Redford and a website to promote the progressive policies that will make America energy independent.

"We know our country can no longer sustain its dependence on oil for energy," said Podesta at the announcement. "It's a dependence that threatens our national security; fuels poverty around the world; pollutes our environment; and burdens our national budget-as well as the budgets of millions of hardworking Americans. We must chart a cleaner, alternative energy future. is not only an important tool to connect our country's citizens, activists, and policymakers, but it will spur them to start shaping that future today."

This new legislation is the latest in EI2020, the campaign to make America energy independent that Democrats announced last October. Democrats believe that skyrocketing gas prices and the national security risk of America's oil addiction make an immediate campaign for energy independence all the more important. With the nation's security at risk, it is time for a new direction and the Clean EDGE Act.

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