Saturday, January 22, 2005

Is “The Bush” a Satanist? Looks Like It

The article headlined “Norwegians Confused by Bush Salute” makes it sound like the people of Norway believe that "The Bush" is a disciple of the Devil. After the article came out and the questions started about his giving the "Devil Horn Salute", his supporters said it was "The Bush" merely flashing the "Hook-em Horns" symbol for the University of Texas Band as it went bye during the parade. Well, that’s sounds like it could be true, but what about all the other times "The Bush" has been caught on film "Hailing Satan" without UT Band parading bye?

How do they explain the photos of "The Bush’s" wife Laura and daughter Jenna? The "Hook-em Horns" defense also doesn’t hold up with the
General Tommy Franks and Head of Homeland Security Tom Ridge photos.

Satanists love horns, using them constantly to refer to Satan. Since the Antichrist is literally to be Satan's man on earth, just as the Bible says he will be, this symbolism of Satan's horns to Antichrist transfers easily and seamlessly. All depictions of the horn to represent Satan are transferred to symbolism of Antichrist.

Photos of the following shown "Hailing Satan"

Prime Minister of Italy Burlusconi King Abdullah of Jordan

Bill Clinton VP candidate John Edwards VP Dan Quayle

Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger wedding photo

Elizabeth Taylor Prince William

Amy Grant "Queen of Christian Pop"

Benny Hinn: Fake Prophetic Faith Healer scammer of many dollars.

TV Evangelist Kenneth Copeland Anton LeVay, writer of the Satanic Bible

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