Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Triple car bombs hit south Iraq


Three car bombs have exploded in the southern Iraqi city of Amara, killing at least 39 people and injuring more than 100, police say.

Two bombs exploded in a car park packed with labourers waiting to travel to work, and a third detonated as people gathered to inspect the damage.

Amara is 350km (236 miles) south of the capital, Baghdad, in Maysan province.

It is a mainly Shia area, with four groups - three with armed militias - competing for political supremacy.

The attack is one of the deadliest in Iraq in recent months and comes amid an upsurge of violence in the past week, which has seen senior security and political figures targeted.

There has been no word on who was behind any of the attacks but correspondents say they are probably related to a power struggle among Shia factions.....

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