Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blast kills Lebanon army general


The Lebanese army's chief of operations, General Francois al-Hajj, has been killed in a bomb attack.

Three other people also died in the blast in the Christian town of Baabda, close to the presidential palace, on the outskirts of the capital Beirut.

Gen Hajj had been tipped to become army chief if Gen Michel Suleiman is made president to remedy a political crisis.

Parliament has failed to elect a president and the opposition refuses to recognise the elected government.

While the pro-West ruling bloc and pro-Syrian opposition, led by Hezbollah, agree Gen Suleiman should succeed former President Emile Lahoud to break a political impasse, the factions cannot agree on the formation of a new government.....

1 comment:

  1. One has to ask onself who actually benefits from this horrible crime. Supposing that General François El Hajje had actually been awarded the post of chief of staff as was planned, and bearing in mind he was very close to General Michel Aoun would it be impossible to think that he was killed to prevent General Michel Aoun from benefiting from both his alliance with Cheikh Hassan Nasrallah and the lebanese army through General François El Hajje? Would it be impossible to think that the actual "majority" led by prime minister Siniora and his trunkated illegal cabinet actually benefit from the elimination of a powerful ally to their bitter opponent General Michel Aoun? Food for thougts.....
