Thursday, November 08, 2007

Prostitute Dishes Details On Relationship With GOP Senator Vitter In Hustler Interview


Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) has tried to move on after his embarrassing sex scandal, but Hustler magazine won't let him.

In a magazine interview hitting the racks soon, a woman who worked in a New Orleans brothel has given a detailed, and at times explicit, interview about a 1999 affair with Vitter. The Louisiana Republican made a very public apology earlier this year about "sins" in his past, but he has not acknowledged any specific activities. Vitter's phone number also came up in the phone records of the "D.C. Madam" case.

The Crypt has received a scanned paper copy of the interview, but the pictures and some of the quotes are totally NSFW (not safe for work). Discerning Crypt readers can decide whether they want to check out Hustler's website or reach for the row of black plastic wrapped mags at your local book store or newstand.......

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