Tuesday, November 06, 2007

General Sees ‘Glimmers of Hope’ in Baghdad Neighborhoods

WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2007 – Just shy of his division’s one-year mark of being on the ground in Iraq, the deputy commander for Multinational Division Baghdad said he sees “measured” and “remarkable” success within the capital city.

“We can see clear glimmers of hope, but a very clear recognition that the work yet to be done may be the hardest,” Army Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks said during a conference call today from Baghdad. He said this work will go beyond the traditional role of security and the concentrations of U.S. troop’s efforts over the last year.

“(The work will go) much more into the kinds of decisions that must be made by the government of Iraq with the support of the Iraqi people,” he said. “And that can’t be taken for granted by any means.”

The general said that while success is in sight, it still is perhaps a bit out of reach. “We’re very sober about that as we approach it,” Brooks said.”

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